A Referral Basis for Pasco County Students

Our program receives referrals directly from schools, agencies, and foster parents to distribute clothing, shoes, and hygiene items to those in need. Volunteers collect the requested items, package them, and deliver them via the school courier service to the respective school. Our vision for the future is to create a retail clothing closet that offers students privacy to "shop for free" by appointment, with a referral from a teacher, school administrator, social worker, Guardian ad Litem, SRO, or clergy member. The "retail clothes closet" would provide each referred student with five pairs of pants, five shirts, five sets of underwear, five pairs of socks, a pair of shoes, and hygiene items to ensure they have what they need to succeed.
We work directly with the schools in Pasco County to fulfill the needs of students and families.
During the summer months, we typically do not accept clothing donations, resuming once backpacks and school supplies have been distributed. We place a strong emphasis on donations of clothing specifically for male teenagers, as they are the most difficult to provide for on a consistent basis.